A Complete Guide to Working From Home in Rural America

What does the perfect workplace look like? Most people would say a home office. Working from home used to sound like a dream but has become more of a reality since the pandemic made remote work a necessity. People are now enjoying the freedom to set their own schedule, choose their workspace setup, dress how they’d like, and avoid commuting to an office.

However, working from home also comes with its own set of challenges. Employers will still require their remote workers to maintain the right mindset and focused approach to set themselves up for success. In addition, finding a remote job may be more difficult as these jobs are in higher demand than traditional positions.

Interested in getting started with your own remote job? We’ve compiled a complete guide to working from home in rural America for those new to online-based employment or seeking to level up as an employee.

A Remarkable Revolution for Rural Life

Remote work continues to become the norm, which is a significant boon for workers based in rural areas. In the past, rural economies have struggled due to a lack of available jobs in the immediate vicinity. Presently, remote opportunities revolutionize small town or countryside living, as workers can find reliable employment in the national workforce outside of urban centers.

Why Remote Workers Matter

Talent in the workforce is no longer found only with big-name companies or in large cities. As remote work becomes more widespread, rural workers are empowered to connect with the digital economy and boost productivity.

Meanwhile, the workforce continues to see Americans who have reconsidered their lifestyles and residences. As former urban and suburban dwellers choose to leave more crowded areas, they’re able to enjoy the lower cost of living that comes with smaller towns and rural areas.

The Benefits of Remote Work in Rural Settings

Working anywhere remotely is possible with the right technology, but deciding exactly what area to live and work in can make a big difference when telecommuting. Working from home in rural settings as opposed to an urban one can also have advantages, such as a more intentional and balanced lifestyle away from city life.

Fewer Distractions for Productivity

Because rural life tends to be quieter and less chaotic, you’ll likely find fewer noticeable distractions throughout your day if you live in the country. Without the sounds of honking horns, crowds, and traffic, it’s much easier to focus on one task at a time while working remotely. Staying consistently on task can go a long way to keep you on track and accomplish more during your work hours.

On the other hand, it will become more important to intentionally engage with others on a regular basis. You still need human connection! Whether that’s through video calls or time spent in person with family, friends, and coworkers, be sure to take advantage of personal and professional relationship-building opportunities. Without a long commute, you’ll have more time outside work hours to use as you see fit.

A Healthier Work-Life Balance

Working from home traditionally creates difficulties for setting clear boundaries between work time and free time. Living in a rural area can make this easier, as the slower pace of life and surrounding nature are more conducive to preventing burnout.

As a remote worker, if you’re feeling stressed or anxious during the workday, you can take a break and leave home to enjoy fresh air and a nice walk. Be sure to set reminders for breaks and create a daily routine that helps you maintain a healthy balance between focus and relaxation.

The Challenge of Creating a Daily Routine

One crucial aspect of successfully working from home in the rural US is keeping in mind that a remote job does not necessarily follow a 9-to-5 schedule. Depending on the requirements of your role, you may start and finish work at different times with gaps in the middle of the day. This can make creating a set routine difficult.

Setting a schedule with clear guidelines of when to jump in and call it quits for the day is essential to maintaining that work-life balance. When living rural and working remotely, you need a routine that guides you into sitting down in your workspace and keeping focused. Over time, that routine will become an ingrained habit you can adjust from day to day.

How To Become Your Most Productive Self

While you have the benefit of flexibility on your side, designing an optimal remote work schedule is not a simple feat. Approach your daily routine as you would in a traditional office setting, with a morning ritual, intermixed coffee breaks, a mid-day lunch break, and re-energizing afternoon breaks before the end of the day. Keep your goals realistic to avoid going overboard and working overtime.

Do you do your best work in the morning or afternoon? Creating to-do lists and setting specific time blocks on your Google calendar is a leading strategy to structure your workday and decide when to focus on the most pressing tasks. You need to also take your responsibilities to colleagues alongside those at home into consideration. Block time for personal commitments, appointments, or errands. Leave unscheduled space in your calendar for unexpected work meetings, calls, or obligations.

Set Up a Dedicated Workspace

Not every remote worker realistically has a spare room or dedicated area for a home office. Either way, you still need to dedicate a desk or tablespace to use only for work purposes. That distinction makes a difference in helping your brain separate when you are on or off the clock. Every choice that optimizes a workspace setup contributes to an improved work-life balance.

Other remote workspace essentials include an ergonomic chair, a comfortable keyboard or wrist rest, a laptop stand or external monitor, and noise-canceling headphones. This must-have gear helps create a comfortable setup in a distraction-free zone.

Tips To Ensure Connectivity

Besides having a dedicated workspace, having the right technology is integral for working from home. Technology is more powerful than ever, but you’ll still encounter frustrations—especially in rural areas without the best internet options. You’ll need reliable internet that can keep you connected at all times, allowing you to complete everyday tasks without interruption.

To facilitate a smooth transition into remote working, you’ll need a computer equipped with cloud storage, collaborative systems, communication platforms, and other essential tools. Use digital time management, project management, and productivity tech tools to streamline efficiency and distribute your energy. Ensure you have access to these resources to navigate various tasks or situations appropriately. These helpful mobile apps or computer software make remote work much more manageable.

Rural Internet Connection

Do you need better internet options to ensure connectivity in your rural area? Trifecta Wireless is committed to providing wireless internet for rural areas. Our fast and reliable cellular internet is ideal for those who need or want to work from home. Learn if our contract-free service could help you stay connected today.